Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yes we are home

In our haste to get packed I misplaced the logon info for blogspot.I'm sorry I missed yesterday. We got home around 8 last night (Wednesday). Fran felt like stopping by and seeing Robert, Emily and especially Ben. When we got home needless to say she went straight to bed. We were at Duke until around 4 getting more of the iums and then she had the Hickman Port taken out of her chest. She still does not feel like eating much and she has very little energy but she did get out and go to Will's girl's Hidden Valley soccer game. She enjoyed that and Robert, Emily and Ben joined us for a little while there which was fun. And yes they won 6-1 against a rival. This week will be bitter sweet, as you may know one week from today Robert, Emily and Ben will be leaving for Africa. Our hearts are saddened to see them go and yet we are so excited for them in this new ministry that God is leading them to in South Africa. I will say more about that in a later posting.
Back to Fran, please pray that she will begin to feel like eating and drinking (especially since she has 7 pills to take everyday and right now it is a struggle to get them down.) When she got home tonight she went straight to bed after our outing but hopefully she will get stronger every day. The folks at Duke said she has to force herself to eat and get out even when she doesn't feel like it. Also pray for us as we wrap up our time with the grandbaby, I'm sure there well be a lot of tears coming this week. But we are also very excited about Will getting his Masters Degree from UVA this weekend. Fran want's so badly to go see him graduate, so pray for us as we make this decision also.

You all have been so faithful in praying for us and especially Fran this far and we truly give God the credit for all he has done for her. Thank you for your continued prayer support.

PS She goes back to see her Roanoke Dr. this coming Tuesday and for the next four weeks and then we go back to Duke in one month for a follow up visit.

We love you all, Charlie and Fran


  1. Charlie, your updates help all of us who love you all so much. It is great to have specifics to pray for. Deke and I are doing that right now. Love, Boo

  2. We're encouraged by the your news. There is still a long journey ahead and we pray for the strength you both will need. So happy that Fran is getting out to ball games,etc. Blessings! Bill & Lib
