Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mixed Emotion Day

Fran has had a good day. The kids and grandson left for Africa this afternoon, and yes it was sad but that was expected. It wasn't as bad or as difficult as we had expected. Emily called from Dulles and said Ben had been an angel and had stayed buckled in his seat all the way to Washington. It will be interesting to hear how the 17 hour flight to Jburg went. After seeing them off at the airport Fran and Natalie came home and napped and I worked in the yard. Then the three of us went to Applebees for dinner. Will had a previous school engagement. We are back home and ready for bed. Thanks for all the prayers regarding today. I will post again on Sat. unless something comes up. Thanks for checking in. Charlie

1 comment:

  1. I got home from vacation Sat. evening. I just today the 31st, read the past week blogs on Fran and Charlie's life. How very blessed you are with family, and with Fran coming through so well. I can't believe she spent last WEd. at church, and worked on the dinner.
    Will miracles ever cease!! I wish you all the best as we love you both at Grandin Court. Glad also that your family was together. I know what graduations are like at UVA,(from 2 daughters graduating) and wonder how you all made it through that!
