Monday, May 17, 2010

A better day!

It's been another long day at the clinic today, Fran got more antibiotics, and all the iums, potasium, magnesium,etc. She seems to feel better, she didn't sleep at the clinic and she did work on her soduko book (to keep her mind working she said). She said her throat feels better but not great. She ate about 1/2 of a Panera bagel this morning and hopefully some soup tonight for supper. Her counts are going up and they are still tentatively talking Friday for coming home. Just another exciting day in Durham. Thanks for your concern, Charlie

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about the progress you are making. And even though it seems slow to you, it is amazingly fast to me!!!
    Aren't they great at Duke??? They KNOW what to do!
    You continue to get those counts up and we will continue to pray!
    Love, LouAlice
    Oh, thanks again for the updates. Charlie, you are doing a great job!
