Friday, October 16, 2009

One Cycle Down!!

I feel so blessed to have so much family and friends who are praying for me and taking care of me. Thank you for your notes of encouragement, the food, the books, the calls but most of all your prayers. I finished my fourth chemo treatment today and as of Friday evening at 7:15 I'm feeling OK, no nausea so what a prise! Please continue to pray that my hip will strengthen so that I will be able to walk without pain and a limp very soon. I thought today was going to be a long 3 hour treatment but was was pleasantly surprised that it was a short one. Next week we have off and that will complete my first cycle of treatment. Just 5 cycles to go (15 weeks) We think that sometime during the next 15 weeks the Dr.'s will send me back to Duke to begin harvesting my stem cells, we will be sure to let everyone know when that happens. Charlie has been a saint and has a lot a patience in taking care of me. The children are quite attentive about checking in on Mom and making sure everything is going OK (even Ben) Thanks again for your love, support and prayers. To God be the Glory! Fran and all the Krauses

1 comment:

  1. Father, I stop this very moment and lift up Fran to You. You are The Healer Lord, so please bring strength to that hip today and take away the pain causing Fran to limp. We give You praise and glory that this part of the journey has past and trust by faith You will sustain her the remainder of the way. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen
