Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About the same but OK

At least that is what Duke says, Fran asked if she is supposed to be feeling so poorly and they say YES especially because of #1. the intense chemo she recieved prior to stem cell transplant and #2 the transplant itself. Fran went to her Dr. here in Roanoke this past Tue. and all the numbers are goin UP UP UP. Everyone is please with that obviously. Sorry I haven't blogged recently but there has been nothing to report other than the fact that Fran just feel UCKY. But knowing this is normal hopefully is a little consolation. Duke said it usually take 6 months to a year before feeling somewhat normal again. I felt horrible for a week following my nasal surgury, I can't imagine feeling that way for 6 months!
Maybe the Lord was telling me a little about how Fran is feeling. I sure didn't like it!
Fran has goten out the past two days thanks to Samia and Connie. She goes back to Duke on Monday for a check up and hopefully she will feel like riding along to Lancaster PA on Tue and Wed. to see a play up there. We'll wait and see.
Thanks again for all the prayers.
Love, Charlie and Fran

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feeling like she should

Sorry I haven't had anything new to say over the past several days. Fran has been feeling just YUCK. No appetite, no strength, no energy, no nothing. She did go to the Dr. for her weekly blood letting and she happened to see the Dr. in the hallway. He was pleased with her blood work, and he said that it just takes time to begin feeling better. She has been experiencing some congestion so she got an antibiotic and cough medicine for that. He white blood count was down a little probably due to infection. Other than that everything was fine. So we continue to try to make it through it. Fran's sister Genie is here from Richmond, which is always good. She is a big help and a joy to have around. Fran did feel like (or should I say just went)to Will's Hidden Valley girls soccer game and she saw them win with 30 seconds left in the game so that was good. I go tomorrow morning for my "nose job" to remove nasal polyps. Genie will drive me and bring me home. Fran says she is going to the hospital but I hope she won't. We'll see. Thanks again for the prayers. We just need patience Lord!