Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good News with Great Doc!

Fran had her appt. with the wound specialist, Dr. Harris this morning and we were very pleased with him. Dr. Pat Saul recommended Fran to go see Dr. Harris however Pat is the one who prescribed the medicine that she has been using for the past two weeks which has worked wonders on the wound. Dr. Harris said to continue with this treatment and that the wound should be completely healed in two weeks. We will continue to do labs and monitor blood results and hopefully go to Duke sooner rather than later. Thanks again for all the prayers, concern and support.
Charlie and Fran

Monday, April 5, 2010

Good news today

Fran got the biopsy report back today regarding the wound and it is not cancerous. It doesn't seem to be getting much better but it is not getting any worse which the Dr. says is good also. We also got an appt with the wound Dr. for April 15th. She had her weekly blood work done at Blue Ridge Cancer Care and it came back OK as well. So over all a good day.
That's all the news for today.
Thanks for checking in.
Fran and Charlie

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Thanks to our family Dr. friend we are going to see a wound specialist here in Roanoke. Our friend biopsied the wound and hopefully we will get the see the specialist as soon as we get the results back from the biopsy. He doesn't think there is anything there, it is just a precaution. The wound hasn't changed much so we need to see what can be done for it. Hopefully now this can be cleared up soon.